Hialeah, Florida

All Ways Lead To Hialeah



Sunny Days: 252
56100 Affordability
252100 Schools
15100 Diversity
86100 Safety

My parents didn’t want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty and that’s the law.
–Jerry Seinfeld

Best Part About Hialeah

Commitment to Local

Hialeah is a true community. Here, everyone fights for small, locally owned shops over the big chains. Because of its high Hispanic population and the history of the city being a hub for Cuban emigration after the Cuban Revolution of 1959. Locals prefer to eat and mom and pop restaurants over large franchises because, in doing so, they’re supporting the very foundation of their community. Don’t believe us? Just take a look at Publix, a Florida-based grocery chain, who decided it was better to modify one of their existing stores to appeal more to residents. They opened a “Publix Sabor” which caters specifically to Latin American and Hispanic clientele, even changing what they carry and what services they offer.

A note from a local on Hialeah:
Hialeah is the New Gold Rush, people 10 years from now will be crying they didn’t buy Proerty now in Hialeah which is dirt cheap. Why, it’s not too far west or South Like Doral or Kendall which are commuter Hellholes and traffic nightmares. It’s not anywhere near as Over Priced as Miami SW8th ST, or Brickell MidTown, The Beach Etc.

Worst Part About Hialeah

The Bad Reputation

It’s nearly impossible to outlive a bad reputation and Hialeah is no exception. You can attribute it to racism, a lack of understanding, or just plain ignorance, but Hialeah does not deserve the rap it gets. You’ll hear from other Miami metro-area residents that Hialeah isn’t a place you want to be, that people are unfriendly, or that they’d never move there in their wildest dreams. While harsh, it’s also a completely undeserving way of looking at a city with a rich culture and history.

Here's a local's note about the reputation issue:
My view of Hialeah:

—Hard working, first generation Americans. Good people. God bless them! Welcome to the U.S.
—Low cime.

—Concrete front yards.

—Looked down upon by earlier arrivals, who likely now live in Pembroke Pines or Coral Gables.

Other than that, seems like a nice, middle class place.

Lifestyle of Hialeah

The thing you need to know about Hialeah is that it has a long history of residents immigrating to the US from Cuba and other Latin American countries. Because of this, the Spanish language is a vital part of daily life in Hialeah. Hialeah is often referred to as the second least diverse city in the US, due to its high Hispanic population. Cuban refugees, especially, are credited with shaping the culture and daily life in the city. There are tributes to Cuban culture everywhere including statues, local events, and more.

Workstyle of Hialeah

Hialeah residents see a slightly higher unemployment rate than the US average. Attributing to the unemployment rates rising over the past year is the fact that the top industry, by job, in Hialeah is retail and, arguably, a good amount of people were laid off due to the pandemic. On a higher note, the future job growth in Hialeah is expected to be slightly higher than the US average and it’s likely Hialeah will continue to see both population and job growth over the next decade. The top industries behind retail are healthcare and social services as well as manufacturing.

Why You Should Move Here Now?

Hidden Gem

Hialeah is a quiet, slower town and the residents like it that way. Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and the Keys are all close enough for when you feel a bit restless, but locals love coming back from a week of craziness to Miami’s best kept secret. Hialeah is a bit of a hidden gem and if you’re looking to relocate to the Miami-Dade area and don’t snag yourself a place in Hialeah, you might be kicking yourself in 10 years.

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Living in Hialeah

What is Hialeah like for a white looking Hispanic

Gabriel Iglesias is an entertainer who built a career out of his Hispanic identity. It is in his interest to play up the differences. Also he's not from Miami and he's not Cuban, so he kind of has no idea what he's talking about.

All Miamians are used to being surrounded by people who are different from them. Nobody really gives a shit. Yes we have neighborhoods where people live closer to others like them, but it is not the kind of segregation you get in Northern cities. There are very few places in Miami where someone "shouldn't go".

Iglesias is right that white people probably won't like Hialeah but that is mostly because of the language barrier, which I take it is not an issue for you. It is also very culturally Cuban which some people can't get used to. But I don't think anybody is going to try and run you out of the neighborhood.

If you are not used to Cuban Spanish though it may take you a bit to get an ear for it!

Neighborhoods in Hialeah

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For being so close to Miami, Hialeah feels like a true suburb. It’s one of the most densely populated areas in the US that doesn’t have any high-rise buildings within city limits. That makes the area really feel like a true Florida suburb, flat with a little too much concrete. Keep in mind that Hialeah, from above, is a weirdly shaped, isosceles triangle of a city spanning from the Everglades in the Northwest to the Miami airport in the Southeast, so be aware when you’re house hunting!