Alexandria, Virginia

Old Town-ish

Alexandria Aerial View
Alexandria Aerial View
Old Town Neighborhood
Old Town Neighborhood
Scottish Christmas Walk Parade
Scottish Christmas Walk Parade
First Night Celebration
First Night Celebration



Sunny Days: 201
75100 Affordability
85100 Schools
90100 Diversity
100100 Safety

LookyLOO Review of Alexandria?

It’s not DC

As a bedroom community to the nation’s capital, Alexandria is steeped in history. No one will ever let you forget that it’s the home of Mount Vernon, George Washington’s home. But it’s also like a suburb, with a lot more green space than DC, fewer tourists, and quieter streets. For those who work in Northern Virginia it's a heck of a lot more convenient, less expensive, easier for doggos, but also has a ton to do in the big historic commercial district, Old Town. The historic Potomac River not only divides the community from DC, but it provides a fun and vibrant waterfront to visitors and residents alike. Locals will claim that if you're choosing between Alexandria and one of the quieter neighborhoods of DC like Southeast, then you're far better off in Alexandria due to the better restaurants, better views, proximity to bars/nightlife, and cheaper living options.

Indeed, there isn’t as much traffic as in DC, but there’s still a lot. Many folks in Alexandria commute to other places to work so traffic can get snarled during rush hour and Northern Virginia finishes high on lists of worst traffic in the country. There is a decent public transportation system, the Metrorail, that serves both the city and commutes out of the city, but driving in Alexandria can make you nuts.


Like you’re in the past and the present

Alexandria is definitely a modern city, but it is older than the United States and much of it has been meticulously preserved. The aptly named Old Town in particular is full of historical buildings that the founding fathers used to frequent such as Christ Church and Gadsby’s Tavern. King Street is a great place to walk around and indulge in some retail therapy. Dog-friendly Del Ray, just minutes from Old Town, is far more contemporary and is currently booming for families and young people.

Check out the calendar of events in Alexandria.

We highly recommend visiting Alexandria and staying in the community in a VRBO rather than a hotel to get a feel for what it's like to live among the locals. You can receive discounted fares on travel via our partnership with Expedia as well.

Why You Should Move Here Now?

Livable Proximity

Alexandria is an amazingly livable city, with its own social and cultural experiences and is only 20 minutes to DC. That combo is extremely hard to beat and makes it one of those best of both worlds experiences.

Reviews of Alexandria from Locals

1y ago

I love Alexandria for all of the reasons listed and have lived or worked in pretty much every corner of it. I don’t recall the best source for this info off hand but I recommend looking up the age demographic for the different zip codes as a general idea to see what may suit you best. I bought my garden condo at 40 and the average age for my neighborhood is something like 60, which I personally LOVE cause it’s super quiet, small enough to be familiar with your neighbors but big enough it’s not intrusive, and even the grumpy 80 year old neighbor that yells at me to get off his lawn still likes me because I reset his internet password for him and set up his landline.

I’m in kingstowne which will get you more bang for your buck square footage wise for working from home, but if you are younger it can put a slight damper on your social life. That said the slight damper for me just means it now takes fifteen minutes to get to my friends houses instead of five so that’s fine by me.

Winters here are like a nice spring day compared to the mid west.

For more reviews of what living in Alexandria is like from locals check out: The Reviews

Neighborhoods in Alexandria

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Old Town

Young Professionals

Old Town is truly the center of Alexandria. If you crave an urban-ish environment with tons of bars, restaurants, theaters, and boutique shopping options you’re going to want to look at Old Town. No need for a car, with beautiful historic housing options for those with money but also some apartment and condo options that make it incredibly convenient for the post-college and pre-family community.

  • Old Town
  • Eisenhower East