Alexandria, Virginia

Old Town-ish

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What's it like to live in Alexandria?

1y ago

Alexandria is one of, if not, the best area to live in the DC area, with the key caveat, if you’re living in the good parts. Tough to say without knowing your age, price range, etc. but best possible areas are Old Town, Del Ray and Beverly Hills.

If those are out of your price range, than it’s possible you will find other areas in NOVA that could be better than the cheaper parts of Alexandria. While some parts of Alexandria feel like a small town, it is actually pretty large with many different sections

Edit: the most broad advice I would give to someone coming to the DC area, who can afford it, aim for NOVA and MOCO inside the Beltway.

1y ago

I love Alexandria for all of the reasons listed and have lived or worked in pretty much every corner of it. I don’t recall the best source for this info off hand but I recommend looking up the age demographic for the different zip codes as a general idea to see what may suit you best. I bought my garden condo at 40 and the average age for my neighborhood is something like 60, which I personally LOVE cause it’s super quiet, small enough to be familiar with your neighbors but big enough it’s not intrusive, and even the grumpy 80 year old neighbor that yells at me to get off his lawn still likes me because I reset his internet password for him and set up his landline.

I’m in kingstowne which will get you more bang for your buck square footage wise for working from home, but if you are younger it can put a slight damper on your social life. That said the slight damper for me just means it now takes fifteen minutes to get to my friends houses instead of five so that’s fine by me.

Winters here are like a nice spring day compared to the mid west.

1y ago

Hi, I'm 38, from Ohio originally (I feel you on winters) and moved to ALX from DC a few years ago.

You are correct, the few winters I've spent here have been much more mild than anything we typically get back in the Midwest. That does come with hotter summers though. During the hottest days of summer you'll remember that you're technically in the south, but it's honestly not too bad. The worst days are only a little worse than the hottest days you'd be used to from Chicago. (I also used to live in Phoenix so I will never complain about a place being "too hot" again)

I live within walking distance of King Street in the Carlyle area of Alexandria. It's very nice and walkable here, mostly young professionals from what I can tell.

1y ago

Old Town is one of the most, if not the most, walkable neighborhoods in NoVa. There are a ton of shops, grocery stores, restaurants, great waterfront parks, historical attractions, and other things to do. One thing to note is that you’ll want to really double check where you end up. Some places bordering Old Town may look like they’re near things but are weirdly not very walkable. For example, Potomac Greens neighborhood is close to Del Ray and Old Town but it’s pinned in by railroad tracks and the GW Parkway. The Potomac Yard neighborhood has a lot of townhouses and new apartment buildings but there are not many shops and restaurants nearby.

Moving to Alexandria VA? Top 6 things to know about living in Alexandria, VA