Springfield, Massachusetts

City of Firsts

Looklyloo Score: 84

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What's it like to live in Springfield?

2y ago

Pioneer Valley
I moved to Longmeadow two months ago after having been out of the state for 25 years. Since I was originally from greater Boston, this part of the state was a bit of an unknown but I do recall not having a positive view of Springfield back then. Well I'm sure Springfield has some places to avoid, I have no concerns about living next to Springfield. Springfield has many neighborhoods, each with their own personality - it really has a lot to offer and see - parks, architecture, museums.

You'll be absolutely fine and East Longmeadow is great too except that crazy traffic intersection/rotary in town.

2y ago

There are some truly lovely areas in Springfield. Around Forest Park, for one. Big old near-mansions, cheap because it's Springfield. My main beef with the place is sprawl, sprawl sprawl. One of my best friends lives there, and I've been a lot to visit. Good restaurants and local markets of all kinds, great public libraries, they've even got a symphony. The Valley Flyer which goes to New Haven and connects to New York runs through there at their recently refurbished railway station where they consolidated all local/thru transit.

2y ago

Having lived in Boston and other urban areas Springfield is a piece of cake. Some small areas of Springfield are rough, but nothing like areas of Boston I had to walk through to work. Western Massachusetts is a gem of a place. My health club is 10 miles south of Springfield in northern CT and I drive through a beautiful historic area and a stretch of road on a ridge where tobacco and farm fields go on for miles on each side. It is a beautiful area to live. The entire Pioneer Valley which follows the Connecticut River through Massachusetts has a great variety of art, nature, and cultural activities to enjoy.

2y ago

Springfield and surrounding Burbs People are the salt of the earth. Western MA has more real unadulterelated contiguous history than ever changing Boston. It was a borderlands between New York and Massachusetts so you get all the borderland quirks - almost equal number of Yankee fans to red Sox fans… New York drawl as common as Boston accent and in the last three decades standard American English and excellent higher education with international appeal. It's got great weather and beautiful countryside. There is some blight, but what would an MMORPG metropolitan area be without it's blight districts? It is small-town USA and one of the most charming and hilarious places on earth.

Pros and Cons of moving to Springfield, MA (where going to the hospital is like a vacation)