Salinas, California

Salad Bowl of the World

Looklyloo Score: 85

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What's it like to live in Salinas?

9mo ago

Hi, 20F here, I don’t live in Salinas anymore but I grew up there and visit often (my boyfriend attends DLI). I live in Berkeley now and I miss living in the area. The weather is nicer than any other area I’ve lived/visited, there’s a lot of big department stores, and there’s free parking everywhere (something unlikely in Berkeley/SF). In my opinion salinas is safe; most high crime rates are from decades ago. I do think that moving to Salinas anytime during your 20 is pretty tough on your social life (especially because everyone around that age grew up here and everyone who didn’t move away to college has already started a family). There’s not much to do in the area (after a while the same spots, like Round1, become repetitive) and I think the drive between Salinas and Monterey gets annoying when trying to see your partner multiple times a week especially with DLIs curfews. There’s a lot of heavy fog at night. Safety wise and budget I say Salinas is great, but socially seaside would be better to consider.

2y ago

My husband and I bought a house in South Salinas a year ago and have had no issues. Are there homeless people around the main street freeway exit, yes. Do they bother you? NO. We walk to Old Town often both day and night and have never felt unsafe. Also, I've got to tell you, having spent 4 decades in the valley of Santa Clara County, the sunsets here are amazing.

Showing Homes in Salinas California - VLOG #015

2y ago

Dude Salinas is so fine honestly. I lived my whole life until 21 or so there in the Creekbridge area and it was so chill. Hella people rip on the place but they really don’t know what they’re talking about