What's it like to live in Memphis?
Living in Memphis
2y ago
I’m from New York. Loved here just over 2 years ago.
Around 2015 I realized I “had my nyc” and wanted to explore elsewhere.
Lived in DC for a year, didn’t take. Overall, not my vibe but I can see why people would enjoy living there.
Lived in Bmore for a year. Loved it, but I was a contract worker with Under Armour. Once the contract was up, I was out.
Tried Phoenix for year - despised it. It’s a glorified suburb on the crest on the devils asshole. Too many frat bros and their ilk.
Memphis? It’s funky, it’s weird, it’s artistic. It’s affordable enough that if someone wants to give opening a restaurant a try, they can (unlike NYC or DC). If someone wants to just be a dodgy artistic freak and take the income hit to pursue that, they can.
And there’s a shit ton of hometown pride, history, music, food, and more. Easy access to rural communities if you want that.
I’d be happy to stay here long-term. It’s a great, wonderful place.
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Living in Memphis
2y ago
Been living in Midtown for about two years now, originally from city of 1.5 million. First few months I was here, I made a SERIOUS effort to get out, do things, meet people. I think that made all the difference. My second family is now in Memphis and they made it a difficult decision but ultimately made me decide against going back home to blood family.
1 thing that first drew me to Memphis was the hospitality. I'm from a hospitable place so I think it just made it feel more like the home I knew. Several people I've met through activities and through friends are always inviting me to have dinner with their family, looking out for me when I am sick, and helping me hunt for a new apartment. Others' kindness has really inspired me to be kind in turn.
1 thing that continues to draw me to the Memphis scene is the accessibility to artists. The art scene is so much more open here compared to what I knew back home. In Memphis, I have visited so many studios, talked to many local artists, don't feel out of place at art openings (other cities' art scenes give very high horses to their best and brightest). Memphis hosts a special environment for people like me who love art but don't have the time to make it - I just like appreciating other people's!
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Living in Memphis
2y ago
It's been interesting.
I've lived in smaller cities, cities about the same size and larger cities than Memphis.
I've lived here going on 4.5 years. I've lived downtown, midtown and now East Memphis.
When I moved here, I explored areas and did activities to meet people. I actually ended mostly vibing with transplants. People here are nice enough, but I've found plenty of cities to hospitable.
I liked living in different areas of Memphis, but none have really had all the amenities I wanted in the same area.
Downtown was nice because I could walk to the waterfront and restaurants, but it lacked things like grocery stores, general stores like a target, bookstores, etc There are a lot of empty storefronts. Ultimately, I moved because I was tired of all the drag racing, drunks fighting on the weekends and panhandlers.
I thought Midtown would be good be a good fit and moved near Overton Park. I think the Park and the Zoo are great amenities. During the pandemic crime felt like it escalated. It seems like there were always car break ins, almost every night you could hear shots. Shady people would be walking through the neighborhood or on the V&E trail. There were some robberies that happened during the day. So I decided to move further East.
Now I'm in East Memphis in a quieter neighborhood and near grocery stores. I can walk to some things, but have to drive to Shelby Farms or Wolf River if I want to go on scenic walks. Even though I don't hear about crime in my neighborhood, it's not far. In Memphis crime seems to be wider spread across the city than other cities I've lived in.
Ultimately, I'll end up moving from Memphis when the time is right.
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What should I know about Memphis before moving family here?
Living in Memphis
2y ago
I'm also a transplant. Here's what I've found to be most important
Memphis is a 'big city that feels like a small city'. That means you can have a house and yard etc compared with other big cities that are largely apartment living.
If you are moving to the city with a family, stick to East Memphis or Midtown. Highpoint Terrace has lots of nice family houses, but it's expensive
Schools leave a lot to be desired. Campus School is great, but limited in space. I think it's rated as one of the highest in the state of TN. White Station is also a viable option. People do a lot of private schools apart from that, especially if East Memphis
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PROS and CONS of Living in Memphis Tennessee
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