Jackson, Mississippi

City with Soul

Looklyloo Score: 79

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What's it like to live in Jackson?

8mo ago

We live in Belhaven and love it. In addition to here and Fondren, Northeast Jackson is where a lot of our friends live. There are plenty of neighborhoods off of meadowbrook and Northside east of 55 with young families/professionals.

8mo ago

I lived in Belhaven several years ago and loved it then and love it now. It’s wonderful. I’m not into night life so much anymore except wine and music at home lol, so you may be discouraged coming from NOLA, but I’m sure if I were young again I’d definitely find myself some good bars. Welcome to Jackson. My hometown.

8mo ago

Hey u/yeti_legs9000 - congrats on graduating college! Psyched to hear you've gotten a great job lined up and even more jazzed to hear that it's in the Jackson area.

I also moved to Jackson for a great job immediately after college out-of-state and have loved my time in the city. Like you, I really wanted to be able to engage in the city that I was moving to and, for better and for worse, ended up falling in love with where I live.

That being said: Living in Jackson isn't for everybody. The good news is that living in Jackson isn't permanent. You're young, bright, and obviously have these exciting opportunities in front of you. If you move to Jackson and love it - great! If you move and hate it - dang, but okay! Your journey is your journey and only you know what's best for you.

9mo ago

I love it here. “Bad” is a subjective judgment. We have challenges; every city has challenges.

Jackson is the only city in the state with a six-digit population. It’s a very poor, very rural state, so would any Mississippi city with a six-digit population have Jackson’s problems? Maybe. It’s a sample size of one.

Critics of Jackson also need to distinguish stereotypical criticisms of majority-Black, Black-run cities in general from specific criticisms of Jackson in particular, and a good way to do that would be to name and celebrate a majority-Black, Black-run city in Mississippi that you consider to be thriving and would be happy to live in. If you can’t do that, it may be worth reflecting on whether racial stereotypes play a role in your assessment of Jackson.

But yeah, I love it here.

Pro's and Con's of Living in Jackson Mississippi