What's it like to live in Fayetteville?
1y ago
Fayetteville has cleaned itself up quite a bit in the last 30 years(RIP Rick's Lounge), but is still not a place I would seek to live in.
It's amusing that you note it is walkable and I'll bet you're talking Hay Street. Hay street is one of the examples of Fayetteville cleaning itself up.
I lived there off and on for about 10 years. Highly transient population with Bragg there-don't like your neighbors and they'll change every year or two, midway stop on 95 for north/south traffic brings transient crime, some very scummy areas that will always be scummy, and Cumberland county sucks just to suck anyways.
I would look towards Raleigh or Winston Salem if you want city garbage.
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1y ago
Right, I think the worst part abt Fay is mostly the military culture and ppl it brings because of it. I mostly had an awesome little childhood growing up in Fay and it’s very cheap and affordable to have a very decent house there. Had tons of great teachers, too. Fay has lots of options for activities for families also, and lots of food choices. It’s not fancy, but it is a full experience if you make it
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2y ago
We do have great walking trails and an awesome zip line excursion.
The beach and mountains are within driving distance along with our world class zoo.
Crime is a little high but Fayetteville is a melting pot of cultures due to Fort Bragg. The same reason why the drivers stink. The restaurants aren't that great either but our housing is decent and affordable, for the most part.
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2y ago
Fayetteville is fine I'm not sure how many of the posters currently live there or just commute but I've lived in Fayetteville from 2009 to now. Crime in Fayetteville follows the national trend. It's ticked upward, but is also heavily sensationalized. Take basic precautions that you would in a mid to small city. Many people out here don't lock doors and fall victims to crimes of opportunities. The area is growing rapidly and is a great place to start a business, invest in real estate among other financial endeavors. The city received a bunch of federal money and underwent a government study to determine the best industry options should Bragg close back in 2016. They've used a lot of this money and info to make some decent changes to bring more business and leisure industry here.
As far as living, I would not recommend the places super close to base because they are often cheap temporary housing. Apartments in North Fayetteville are great, those near the Jack Britt area, and there are a few hidden gems in neighborhoods and elsewhere (pm me I have a few friends that work in leasing). There is also the city of Raeford, or Hoke County, about 15 mins from Fayetteville that has a few good rental neighborhoods and apartments as well.
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Living In Fayetteville, NC - What I Love & What I Don't
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