What's it like to live in Davison?
mwjtitans/Living in Davison/π¦π¦π¦
Davison is a really nice place to stay. Very safe, walkable downton/main street area. The only thing that you might have to worry about is harassment by the police if you are a minority. I moved here from flint a few years ago, and got pulled over, taken to the police station about every month until they realized I was a resident. I still currently live here, and I find it a really good place to live in MId MIchigan.
If you are looking for good priced places to stay, there are Windsor place apartments for about 450 a month, Charter Oaks for about 400-450 a month, and various mobile home parks that are even cheaper. I live in a mobile home right now for 250 a month, which will go up to 450 after a year.
It will take you about a 10-15 min drive to get to downtown flint from davison, so its a really nice close by suburb to stay in.
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Shadowwolf1262/7mo ago/Living in Davison/π¦π¦π¦
Look into Charter Oaks in Davison, great prices, clean and close to I69, lead ya right into flint
I was just looking at their website. Seems great. Reviews on Google are overwhelmingly positive too which is nice. Do they really take good care of their apartments tho?
Davison is a good area overall. I really recommend it. I moved here about a yr ago. So yes. I would say so. Never heard anything bad.
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toomellofellow/Living in Davison/π¦π¦π¦
\I live in Davison and love it, but the taxes and house prices out here can be high depending on where you buy. Homes in the condo type developments start at $150k, around $90k in the township but you may find something smaller for around $75k, its about 20 minutes east of flint past Burton.
Ditto. Even renting here is expensive ($700/month for a one bedroom with washer and dryer), but I can also leave my car unlocked without it getting broken into.
Its definitly one of the safer townships, my family has lived out here forever, my mom graduated from davison high back when central elementary was the high school in the 70's. Its gotten more popular over the years because of academics, athletics and its just a great place to live!
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Davison, Michigan is a Nice Suburb
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