What's it like to live in Cape Coral ?
8mo ago
Moved to Cape Coral a few months ago from horrible Maine and aside from the traffic we love it! People down here are WAY better than New England people! I’m a combat veteran and I can’t tell you how appreciating the people are for veterans here, in Maine you don’t want to advertise you’re a vet. There seems to be plenty of work for the people that actually want to work. I work from home so it doesn’t matter for me. Weather is fantastic!
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8mo ago
Get a house on the water it is awesome. A lot of people here (reddit) hate on Cape Coral and ft Myers but I think it is a quiet ft Lauderdale/Boca. I was 6 when I first went to cape coral in 91. My mom still lives there half the year. It is a great place to do business but not to party. But I just drive to Miami if I want to go crazy. I loved it as a child and still love it today. Traffic is not to bad so you can go shopping whenever you want in like 15-20 minutes.
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2mo ago
Hi, I moved to Cape Coral from a very busy city. The place and people here are nice. Drivers actually slow down and stop when they see people walking toward the crosswalk. Where I'm from, they speed up and try to beat you to it so they don't have to wait. Common courtesy is alive and well here. The only negative is that there is literally nothing to do. If you like fishing, boating and the outdoors, there are parks and boating. You can also drive over the bridge into Fort Myers for beaches. Other than that, you will die from boredom. I'm used to real city life, where there are always a million events going on at once. If you want a busy fun life, don't move here.
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8mo ago
I've lived in SWFL my whole life and have watched the cape go from lehigh by the water, to a nice place to live. I don't know if all of the city ordinances are the same but it used to be no vehicles with company lettering/ladder racks, no rvs/5th wheels, no boats on trailers, visible from the streets. Kept a lot of local working class people from moving in. And as a result a lot of people who like the fact that it was essentially a city wide HOA moved in. It's definitely grown and has gotten more things people want (restaurants, shopping, etc).
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Pros and Cons of living in Cape Coral
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