Asheville, North Carolina

Land Of The Sky

Looklyloo Score: 88

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What's it like to live in Asheville?

2y ago

I wasn’t born here, but was raised here. I was a teenager in the late 90’s/early 2000s for some context.

Asheville is different but I think mostly in a good way. The nicest place to eat is no longer the Olive Garden or Applebees. Personally, I love the food and drink scene. It started really coming alive sometime after I started UNCA.

People talk about the rising crime in downtown Asheville, but if you grew up here, then you experienced downtown when it was literally boarded up. I wasn’t allowed to hang out in downtown as a teenager because of obvious prostitution and the rampant drug abuse out in public, amongst other crimes. Pritchard Park especially. Not that I wanted to hang out there anyways. There was nothing to do.

I personally don’t think it’s any worse than it was 20 years ago.

2y ago

Same. Asheville address but not in the city. No problem with the city, I love it, but I love more having my own privacy in some woods that’s close to amenities and society. Asheville is honestly excellent for that. Has everything you need and little of what you don’t, and as said above has tons of hiking and waterways so if you’re outdoorsy it’s a wonderful place to live.

2y ago

It's my home. I could probably get by anywhere but, here I've made some roots and am part of a community. I value that. It's really nice that folks are mostly nice to each other on the street despite internet drama occasionally in the forums. I value that too. It is very pretty that's certain. The city is conducive for happiness. It's changed a lot in the decade I've lived here. But, so has everything. One unfortunate change imo is the lack of affordable housing which hurts the working classes most directly. I have faith that things will improve on that front. I don't know how. I'm not that smart. But, I bet someone is! Good luck out there ✌️

2y ago

No. Too expensive considering where it is. I moved here from LA and rent here is ridiculous and wages don’t match or come even close. At least in LA I got paid more for the the exact same job and could afford rent/a place to live. Here, all the apartments I can afford get snatched up quickly or they want you to make like 4X the rent.

While there’s a ton of outdoor stuff to do there isn’t that much as far as events or things to do when you don’t want to hike or it isn’t warm. I’m sober so drinking and going out to bars isn’t my style. I’m also an adult and not 21 so I’ve surpassed that part of my life anyway lol

Seems like people really hate when people move here and I can understand why. Locals are mad about rent going up but I think that’s more to do with Air BNB and other rich people / corporate / political bullshit.

Traffic is a thing shockingly. The highways and infrastructure in general wasn’t built for this big of a population and hasn’t been able to keep up with the population boom.

I’m in my late 20s and it seems like it’s hard to meet people my age. And meet people in general but that goes back to not having too much to do.

I come from a big city though so maybe I’m just not use to a smaller town type of vibe.

People are nice here for the most part though!

5 Pros and Cons of living in Asheville NC

Yes, there are pros AND cons of living in Asheville NC. Although it’s a beautiful place, It’s not for everyone! Some pros might outweigh the cons, you just gonna have to decide for yourself. As for me, I look at it this way: just like trying to find a perfect house- it’s nearly impossible. You gotta decide for yourself what items on your list are non negotiable.