Anchorage, Alaska

The Hanging Basket Capital of the World

Looklyloo Score: 62

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Young Professionals

Anchorage in particular and Alaska in general attracts young people looking to reinvent, or just experience the wildest experience the United States has to offer. When these young adventurers move here they most often move to the downtown area. While nowhere near as dense a place as lower 48 cities of comparable size, it does have the apartments, restaurants, bars and entertainment venues within walking distance that people look for. It's also where you'll find the apartment/condo options for rent or purchase that will keep you close to the action of the city.

South Addition/Huffman-O'Malley


South Addition and Huffman-O’Malley are two of the most popular neighborhoods for families in the city. South Addition feels suburban with big yards and family-sized homes. It also has direct access to plenty of parks with ballparks and sports fields for the kiddos and nature trails and a lagoon for running, riding, kayaking and even skating in winter. Huffman-O’Malley is also popular due to low crime rates, excellent schools and a strong community feel that makes families feel safe and at home.

  • South Addition
  • Huffman-O'Malley