What's it like to live in Winston-Salem?
1y ago
I was born and raised in Winston-Salem and have lived in Nashville since 2015. I go back to W-S about once or twice a year, and it’s honestly gotten sooooo much better since I moved away. There’s always something to do there, whether it’s live music, trivia night at Incendiary Brewing, a show at Stevens Center, or almost anything else.
The cost of living there and the general infrastructure are also quite good. Overall, a great city and great community.
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1y ago
As someone who recently moved here, I have to say it's been a welcome surprise how much there is to do here! I've been impressed by the local running club scene and there's lots of social people who have also recently moved at the run clubs and the bike clubs (Fiddling Fish has a run and bike club Mondays, Wise Man has a run club Tuesdays, there's another run club meeting Thursdays at Bailey Park and Saturdays at Say So and I'm sure there's others too)
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1y ago
Winston Salem is a good place for ppl (like myself) who would rather not pay bigger city living costs (rent, food, gas, etc) but who don't mind driving a bit a few times a month to get to where the fun is.
Greensboro, Raleigh, Durham, Charlotte, and Asheville are within 4 hours and the beach is within 5, depending how far up/down the coast you're going.
Edit to add - and WS is growing. It has changed A TON in the 10 years I've been here. So..hopefully it eventually gets even better. Like if we could have our own large Asian market. :')
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1y ago
I just moved here. 30 year old male, also never married. Single and didn’t know anyone here prior to moving a couple months ago.
It’s pretty quiet downtown (where I live) in the winter from the looks of it. I noticed lots of people posting online about how to meet people so I started a monthly Mixer for people to meet new friends. We just had our first one last week at a local brewery and it went really well with over 25 people showing up. Planning February now!
So, what I’m trying to say is YES, there is overwhelmingly a community of people looking to make new friends, the hard part is getting us all together and socializing; which I’m working to solve ;)
The people who say “no” have valid reasons but a lot of them are just tired of the new folks to town I think.
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UPDATED…Living in Winston Salem, NC Pros and Cons
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