Union City, California

Is It or Isn't It?

Looklyloo Score: 88

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What's it like to live in Union City?

1y ago

The south and west side of union city is nice and feels like Ardenwood but with a 10-15% discount in home prices.

It’s one of the hottest real estate markets mainly because it’s at the cusp of the affordability range. Almost all other good areas around are more expensive. Price growth here has been pretty phenomenal. Here are 2 recent sales



The trend I am seeing is that this area will be priced similar to Fremont in the next 4-5 years. And then the rest of union city will start gentrifying more

2y ago

Personally, I would like towards the West Side of 880 either near Union Landing or near the intersection of Dyer & Alvarado.

There's several parks and schools and shopping all within biking and or walking distance.

Now the MAJOR problem for you is that the High School is on the other side of the freeway, so they will need to take a bus. The other issue is there's pockets of section 8 housing in this area as well, so if you find a condo, it's going to be a transitional mix neighborhood. If you go the house route, you're less likely to run into that problem.

2y ago

I grew up in UC and lived there for 20 years before moving to San Jose. That area was safe when I was living there. Was never afraid to go out at night or be by myself. I even grew up just south of the heart of Decoto and never felt like I was not safe.

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