What's it like to live in Providence?
2y ago
Providence is wonderful. Amazing restaurants and bars, easy to get around, way less hectic than Boston but still plenty to do and cheaper. It’s much different now than how all the old-heads remember it back in the day. I’ve been lucky to see it grow, and yes, like OP said it is an overlooked gem.
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2y ago
It’s absolutely a gem. It’s like Boston lite. Feels like Boston with good hospitals and colleges (plus better nightlife than Boston). Close to the mountains and the beach, and close to nyc and Boston. It also has a pretty good sized airport for the size of the city it’s serving so you can usually fly right out of PVD.
Also, lots of good Portuguese and Cape Verdean food in providence :)
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2y ago
It wasn't always this way. A decade ago both this and the state sub were much smaller, but, oddly enough, more reflective of the residents of RI, albeit skewing younger, college educated, and middle class.
I used to put together meetups on a regular basis, sometimes with up to 50 participants, and attendees had a great time. I'm not sure I could pull that off now.
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2y ago
Moving to Providence may be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. People here may be tired of me constantly saying this place is wonderful, but this place is paradise compared to a lot of places in the south.
Now I’m not saying there isn’t a lot of work that can be done to improve this place, but what I am saying is this is in the top 10% places you could across the country.
The issues here can be fixed as well. The community can work together and make the changes they want to see. Laws need to be changed, housing needs to be built, some cops need to be fired, the list goes on. I feel better about the state of things here compared to where I came from in Florida.
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Top 5 Reasons To Move To Providence, Rhode Island
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