Pawtucket, Rhode Island

A Tale Of Two States

Looklyloo Score: 86

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What's it like to live in Pawtucket?

1y ago

Got Bread + Milk ❄️
I live in Pawtucket and I love it, but I am aware of the downsides.


Walkability! Most neighborhoods have shops, restaurants, and parks. Walkability has allowed me to meet neighbors and feel more integrated in the community-- like, I meet neighbors on walks or at the park, and I've gotten to know the folks who work at the bodega and restaurants in my neighborhood.

Property is cheaper than most surrounding communities. It is gentrifying, but it's cheaper than Providence, Lincoln, Cumberland, East Prov, etc.

By US standards our transit system is okay. In most parts of Pawtucket you can get a bus to Prov or the train station every 15-20 minutes.

Slater Park is a fantastic part of our city!

We have some damn good food in Pawtucket! Garden Grille, Miss Lorraine, Shish Kebab, Wildflour, and Maria's (yes I know Maria's relocated to Lincoln but it's literally just over the line & the OG Maria's was in Pawtucket.)

1y ago

I lived in my cities and towns throughout the northeast before moving to Pawtucket… it’s literally fine - it feels just like any outer neighborhood in large city as opposed to its own town ( which makes sense given its connection to Providence). I’m sure there’s heightened crime since you have more people, more poverty and worse schools. But, you can certainly live your life normally and 99% of the time have no issues or danger. The only incidents if seen/heard are two drug deals and two car accident. No violent or aggressive crimes at all.

I will absolutely agree that many parts of Pawtucket looks bleak and depressing, but others are gorgeous the million dollar homes. I also have zero reason to go downtown when I’m so close to hope street.

2y ago

Grew up in Darlington. If you're going to do Pawtucket, Pinecrest and Darlington are the way to go. (Always walked to Pinecrest for trick or treating. It's the best there.) You'll have to deal with the school zone cameras and everything, but there's a lot in walking distance, it's peaceful for a city-ish area, Slater Park is really close … It's good. I'd do it if able. It's home to me though. So I'm biased.

What is it like to live in Pawtucket, RI? What advice would you give to a 21 year old Californian thinking of moving there?

Well, Rhode Island has pluses and minuses, but I’d be fascinated to know: why Pawtucket specifically?

Pawtucket is, for the most part, a city with a lot of substandard housing options, relatively high crime rates, and not much to look at in terms of beauty. It is close to Providence (a bonus), and conveniently located right next to a major highway (a bonus), but so are other cities in Rhode Island, including Providence - which at least has some better options, and more to do and see.

But if there is something about Pawtucket specifically that leaves you really yearning to move there, my advice would be to:

Try to line up a job first is at all possible - Providence is not exactly the hottest job market anyway, so better to try and arrange something where you will get a little leeway on a start date that lets you move out
Find housing - the best parts of Pawtucket (such as they are) tend to be closer to the state line in Massachusetts. If you see an apartment in Pawtucket that looks cheap, odds are good there’s a reason.
This goes doubly so if you see something in nearby Central Falls - just avoid that if you can
Get ready for a little culture shock. There is very little out here that has even vague similarities with California - from the weather, to the culture, to the accents
So that’s my advice. Welcome to the Ocean State! Look forward to you moving here!