What's it like to live in Montgomery?
7mo ago
Metro Area
I am from an even smaller town originally, and have moved to Montgomery three times, and from it four times (I live just north, in Millbrook now). I would happily move back if the right opportunity arose. And here's the thing: it's fine. It has its upsides, it has its downsides. They are the same as some places, different from others. What it comes down to are the people. If you find some good friends, its a great place, same as pretty much any other place.
It's fine. Folks are gonna tell you crime is out of control. I haven't really seen that. They'll tell you the schools are trash. But at the same time the magnet schools are some of the best in the nation. There's food, there's shopping, there are things to do. As much as a bigger city? Nope. But that's to be expected.
Growing up in a super small town, the thought of living in a place like Atlanta makes my skin crawl. It's too big. Bham is about as large as I could see myself living in, but only barely. Montgomery is a good size for me. Big enough to have most of what I want, and centrally located enough that I can drive to most anything I would want to do in half a day, in most any direction.
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2y ago
There's a good bit of stuff you should definitely experience in the city. Go watch a Biscuits baseball game at Riverwalk Stadium, check out the EJI, if you like theater then the Shakespeare Theater is absolutely top notch, the Fine Art Museum is also near there, and the zoo in Montgomery is actually pretty great for a city it's size. Food wise there are some places pretty unique to Montgomery like Chris' Hotdogs, Scott Street Deli, Central, Ravello, El Rey, Lek's Railroad Tai, Hamburger King, Vicki's Lunch Van, Pannie George's Kitchen, and Chappy's Deli. There's a lot of other places to eat too but these are pretty local this this area. You'll only be an hour from Birmingham too which will have lots to do as well. There's also some really great and accessible golf in the River Region as well (Lagoon Park, Robert Trent Jones, Gateway) if that's your thing.
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1y ago
I spend a lot of time in Montgomery, and, yeah, it's easy to have a reaaaaaally bad time and a reaaaally bad impression of the city, especially when you're limited to an overnight - it's a product of what parts you see and spend time in. We have high poverty and unemployment rates in the surrounding region, the Black Belt, and there are counties where poverty rates exceed 30%, and are probably really closer to 50. Lots of poverty and lots of unemployment usually equal lots of crime, and you'll get that around here.
It's also possible to have a really good Montgomery experience - the east end of town is pretty solid, as others have said, and you can go shopping at a Publix or Target, or whatever, without any worries. There are good coffee shops, some good ethnic food, and a really surprisingly good art museum and park complex. It's easy to find the crappy spots, and you've gotta seek out the nicer areas - that's the biggest difference, in my mind.
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1y ago
East Montgomery
The city has been built in circles going outward from the center of Montgomery. The closer to downtown, the buildings become "Historic".
Stay away from the city center,west of I-65 and the southern bypass south of Vaughn Road. The newer homes are mostly east of the Bypass. From the eastern bypass to Taylor Road, these houses are around 40+years old.
Schools Suck everywhere. Alabama is not public school friendly…unless you can get your children into Magnet Schools. The commune from the Pike Road area isn't bad. It's a young and growing community. Prattville and Wetumpka have homes, but also the commute isn't the best.
If I were moving to Montgomery (Retired USAF) again and knowing that my wife wouldn't want to move again (long story). I would look at Pike Road for a Home. (Just me. Better chance with the schools and resale value of your home)
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