What's it like to live in Madison?
2y ago
Moved from another Midwest city, 4x the size of Madison. I absolutely love being in Madison. It’s small, but it feels so cozy and community driven. I cant say enough good things about the water, camping and hiking access and the general culture of being outdoors and active. Winters are cold and long and dark, but they’re true winters so you can ice skate, cross country ski, take great winter hikes, etc.
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2y ago
Pros: Madison has a great mix of indoor and outdoor activities for everyone - bike trails are amazing; beautiful nature and hiking trails in Madison and the surrounding areas; kayaking/SUP/boating on the lakes; there’s also good concert venues; great breweries; lots of restaurant options; fabulous farmers markets. There’s also tons of random things you can do like trivia or pottery/art/cooking classes that I feel like people don’t talk as much about. Also, the people here are so kind and friendly and you really get a community feel.
Cons: Winter can certainly drag on so I recommend outdoor activities that you enjoy (ice skating, hockey, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, etc) and it’ll make winter not seem so bad!
I’ve lived here for 6 years and overall I feel very lucky to call this place home. Best of luck in making your decision!
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2y ago
I think Madison traffic is a breeze. Sometimes you’ll get like a 5-10 minute delay but it’s nothing like what you get in traffic of bigger cities — Madison loves to complain about it though!
We’re a one car family (no kids) and my husband bikes to work everyday and we don’t have much trouble. The farther you get from downtown, near east and near west, the more car dependent you’ll be. The city has great biking infrastructure so it’s easy to get into more casual biking to and from bars to grocery stores.
Public transportation is…. Fine. But only if you’re close to downtown, and even then it’s not as reliable or consistent as what you’re probably used to. We do miss a more comprehensive public transit system!
Overall, you can get by with less car use and when you do drive it won’t be a nightmare.
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7mo ago
You'll love it here! But it's expensive. Check out and recently sold listings. It's seriously comparable to Denver (not quite as much)! Almost anywhere in the midwest besides downtown Chicago will be cheaper.
Besides that, Madison is the best place! Lots of good food, outdoor events, summer fun etc. I will say that winter is almost not winter anymore. We only got 3 good snowfalls this year! I got to cross country ski twice. It's been like that for the last 7 years I've lived here. If you want great winter check out Appleton and maybe even Wausau (downhill skiing).
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Living in Madison WI Pros and Cons
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