Macon, Georgia


Looklyloo Score: 81

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What's it like to live in Macon?

2y ago

Macon is a city of contrasts: you can drive through many neighborhoods with houses and yards that would look right at home in a magazine. And if you keep driving you often find yourself in neighborhoods with vacant houses, uncut yards, etc. North Macon is more expensive but also has some of the nicer neighborhoods. From my personal experience, you will get more for your money by finding a neighborhood that is in between really nice and not so nice. There are many like that which are being improved by people who are putting a lot of time and money into improving their homes and surroundings.


You're not going to find much public transportation in Macon… or anywhere in Georgia, really. Macon has some really shady areas, but there's nice parts too. Great part about the area is that if you're willing to commute, you can buy yourself a large house on acreage for alot less that you're used to spending in New Jersey! It'll be a culture shock here, but once you get used to it, you'll probably end up loving it. Except summers… summers are brutal.

2y ago

Ingleside, Vineville, Beall’s Hill, Shirley Hill, and downtown are all safe communities to move to. Cherokee Heights is an up and coming area as well. In my opinion, moving to North Macon eliminates the convenience of a lot of what Macon has to offer. From my experience, people speaking negatively about Macon are thinking 1980-1990 Macon. It’s changed substantially since then. My children attend public school in Bibb County and we have had positive experiences with it.

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