What's it like to live in Lake Tahoe?
2y ago
Heyo! I'm (35) also a Midwest transplant (Ohio) and lived in Truckee for about 5 years. Truckee and north shore in general is older folks but there are some around your age there. I met all my friends by going out to the more local bars like TClub as well as chatting with people in lift lines, randomly running into other locals here and there. South lake does have a younger demo for sure but if you are set on living on the northern side it isn't impossible to find buddies. Pick a bar and keep going until you start just running into the same people. I have a couple "old salt locals" as buddies but it did take months of going to the bar and trying to chat with them until they opened up. It's a dope place. Bring a generator, a snow plow, a 4wd/AWD with good winter or all season tires, and a good attitude and you'll figure it out just fine.
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2y ago
I dunno if I’d throw around the word “shred,” during ski season. Just saying you like to snowboard or ski or that you’re going snowboarding or skiing is advisable (we use it interchangeably ie i snowboard but sometimes I say I’m going skiing).
Be prepared for long time locals to give you the side eye bc you haven’t been here for 30 years. Just ignore all of that, local Tahoe ppl are gonna local. However overall most people are really cool and the outdoor activities are endless.
I am 36 and live on the south shore. While I do venture up to the north shore every now and then, I don’t live there so I can’t speak to how easy it is to meet people there. On the south shore it seems relatively easy to find people, but like anything, it takes time to get settled.
I think you’ll love Lake Tahoe because I’ve never met anyone that doesn’t love the lake. Whether you like to actually live here year round or not can only be determined by actually giving it a shot. I think it’s awesome that you’re moving out here and good luck!
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2y ago
Tahoe is an amazing place to decompress from hectic city life! I moved here with my husband a couple years ago. Some pros and cons:
North Lake Tahoe is awesome (we live in Alpine). There isn’t much social nightlife or much of a professional scene up here though. Pete & Peters is the only thing open after midnight. Alibi Brewing (Truckee) draws a young crowd for Trivia nights. South Lake Tahoe seems to have livelier, younger vibes.
The food scene leaves A LOT to be desired. It’s a hard place to run a year-round restaurant. I’m coming from places like the Bay Area, NYC, and Boulder — it’s something I’ve missed a lot.
Dating is tough here. The gender dynamics are something like Denver, CO. A whole lotta cis/heteronormative dudes that all love hiking, skiing, climbing, and IPAs. It’s great if you’re into those sorts of thing, as there’s not a whole lot of other women to balance out the ratio of men.
Activities besides outdoor things… there are a number of great entertainment events and festivals throughout the summer. Many are free. Search for north Lake Tahoe and Truckee accounts to follow on Instagram. Floating the Truckee river also draws a young crowd in the summer. Find a yoga studio too! I like Mountain Lotus (North Lake / Truckee) and Namaste (Truckee). That’s a great way to meet young locals!
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1y ago
I’ve been coming to south lake for 13 years and lived here for 3.5. I’m one of the “Tech bros” everyone bitches about. It’s actually pretty nice and I don’t feel like it’s bad. I think you find what you want and if you want to be angry and resentful of people, you’ll find that. We’ve enjoyed our time here, had a baby, etc. I coach wrestling at the middle and high schools. The good shit you probably miss is probably still here. The bad shit probably is too, maybe slightly different from time to time. The last winter was brutal, but I grew up in the Midwest and my wife in Siberia. Don’t overthink it. If it’s calling your name, check it out. If it’s not right, you can always keep on moving.
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A Normal Day Living In The Mountains | Lake Tahoe
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