Grand Forks, North Dakota

The Forks

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What's it like to live in Grand Forks?

2y ago

People will find any reason to hate on ND (and hate on any place or any thing, really). Whether is young people/students in Fargo/GF complaining about the “racist Trumpers” or people in small towns complaining about said young people for generalizing them. It’s all just bullshit. For anyone who has actually travelled the country, there are far worse places in any aspect.

I love North Dakota and people here are generally more friendly and welcoming than most places! Especially in the winter time when people get stuck or spring floods. I live in Williston which gets more hate than probably any other place in the state. There are so many opportunities here and a great community! Make sure you take a trip to the western part of the state! Especially Teddy Roosevelt National Park! Get on US-2 and head west, then South on US-85, and finally Westin on I-94 for a couple of miles to Medora. It has moments of astonishing beauty unlinke anywhere else.

2y ago

I loved North Dakota when I lived there. People aren't wrong when they point out the politics of the state, but the beauty of the state is very underrated. It's a hidden gem in this country, and I can honestly say I will probably move back eventually. I know I mentioned this in your last thread, and I understand you're limited with how far you can travel, but I can not stress enough how beautiful Theodore Roosevelt National Park is. If you have a way to get there, I 100% recommend it

2y ago

I moved up here from Texas and the other 2 people that I've met from Texas also love it. The winters are rough but you endure and make due, and then everyone has an amazing summer. The community here in ND is great and apart from a few grumpy people it's a great state. Fargo is another big college town with a nice beautiful downtown. If you have time I suggest coming here for a weekend. There's plenty to walk around and do. The night life downtown is pretty lively and for a cold state it has a good amount of Balcony bars as well. There's also lots of beautiful parks, museums and sights.

There's this saying "the cold keeps the rifraff out". Some people still hold to it which is why they say to leave but it's rare. Stick to the cities and some small towns and you'll be fine. As far as "riffraff" just stay away from the Oil field towns. They tend to have more of the shady population. Hope your summer visit can evolve to an extended stay because this really is a beautiful state to live in.

What's a North Dakotan City Like? - Grand Forks, North Dakota

Join me in Grand Forks ND. It's technically a city but it just feels like a town. It's got it own government, bus system and airport.

#AskUND - What's it like to live in Grand Forks?
The University of North Dakota.