Glendale, Arizona

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What's it like to live in Glendale?

What is it like to live in Glendale, AZ?

Having recently moved from Glendale, I might have a useful perspective. I moved there from Northern California because it was affordable, an easy albeit long-distance commute to the SF Bay area, and well-organized city. It shares most of the advantages of both Phoenix and Scottsdale without the price tag. It’s solidly middle class, at least in the north, and the people are friendly.

Now, why I left, that solid middle class is moving steadily northward — the south and central sections of Glendale and decaying and trending down to well under middle class. My house was just south of 101, and it was clear that in the four years I was there crime even in our fairly north section of town was on the rise. Houses were less well cared for, and we were seeing more homeless and drug houses.

It was clear to me that selling my very nice and recently remodeled rancher was the right decision and had I chose to stay I would have moved north of 101. Far north.

However, I chose to leave Glendale and Arizona because the government is not facing up to the impending water crisis, is doing everything they can to stifle solar energy (in a place that gets more sun than nearly every other place in the U.S.), and has made many other short-sighted choices.

Glendale is lovely if you know where to live. Arizona has serious issues they are choosing not to address.

Glendale, tell me all about it, please.

I'm in Glendale north of the 101. It's just suburbs. I'm 36, married with two young kids and my wife works 10 minutes from home so it's perfect for us. Old Town Glendale is sketchy for sure. Central Corridor and between the 7s is great if you're a millionaire. Lol

I have friends in Arcadia that paid the same money for their house and they love the neighborhood and all the local bars and restaurants. They also have people pushing shopping carts down their street and have sent me pictures of two random naked guys wandering the neighborhood. (44th st and Thomas)

Glendale, tell me all about it, please.

The east valley has the most educated population of the valley along with the highest income earning (not mesa tho, sorry mesa). The west valley is retired people and low income and industrial part of town. There are small areas of Glendale that are nice, such as the north area around arrowhead ranch but tons of retired old people.

The taxes are high in Glendale also so be aware of that, which only further hurts business since people just go to Phoenix to make any large purchase.

Overall I would rather live in Mesa since the surroundings area is nice.

Glendale, tell me all about it, please.

Great place for a family, terrible place if you're young and/or single. Historic Glendale is nifty, but other than that fuck anything south of Thunderbird.

One warning, however, is I have to point out how it is culturally. If you're in Tempe or Downtown, it feels pretty cosmopolitan. But the vast majority of Glendale is really conservative and traditional. It's filled with all the quintessential Trump voters--the religious right, the (wannabe) cowboys, the crass blue collar types, and the boring, middle-aged and older folks who wanna hit the golf course and otherwise be left alone.

Glendale Arizona Tour! Watch this before Moving to Glendale AZ