What's it like to live in Fontana?
What don't you like about living in Fontana, CA?
Fontana is awesome. But, there are things you should know about where is good to be, and where is not. Picture it as south of the 10, and the 210ish area. From what I have observed, those areas are fine. But it seems like the middle of the city is just garbage. Lots of drugs, gangs, etc. Read about it in the Fontana Herald News about all the gang and murder activity. So I try to actively avoid those areas.
However, there are some awesome parts of the city, and as a whole, I enjoy living there.
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What are the people like in Fontana, CA?
I grew up in Fontana California and lived there until I was 40 years old.
It was a tough town to grow up in but better than most I would say. The people are very diverce as long as you do not have racial issues I would say you would like most. Like any other city you have bad elements and bad areas.
The northern portion of Fontana is mostly new high end homes and very nice neighborhoods with professional and upper middle class people.
Southwest Fontana can be a little rougher.
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What advice would you give to someone who is moving to Fontana, CA?
I would suggest to avoid the middle part of the town, generally. These areas tend to be a bit more run down with higher crime rates. I have lived in Southridge for about 4 years and haven’t had any problems. I also know there are areas in the north which are nice too. Overall, I really like Fontana, it has a lot to offer.
It does get hot in the summertime, so make sure your a/c is working. And it does get windy throughout the year. Welcome!
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Job in Fontana, where should i live??
Why not live in Fontana? If you live close to the 210 freeway, there’s a lot of new properties and businesses coming in. Close to rancho, which is probably the nicest and most vibrant of the neighborhoods listed. Rancho is getting pretty expensive though, comparatively, depending on your budget.
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Pros and Cons of Living in Fontana CA
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