What's it like to live in Cambridge?
2y ago
Inman Square
Cambridge is just straight up the most livable city in the U.S.
Low crime. Almost entirely walkable. Good city programs and safety nets like universal pre-k. Strong job market and proximity to MIT and Harvard. Close to Boston, but also really easy to get out in nature. Kind, considerate residents without the monocultural lean of the Bay Area and other 'tech hubs'. Constantly improving infrastructure and generally safe.
It's a no brainer if you work in biotech. There will be no shortage of career progression and opportunities.
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2y ago
i live in cambridge & work in biotech too. Cambridge is truly an amazing place. so many young professionals and super knowledgeable folks in the area, its truly a great place to be if you're young in your career for learning and networking. its definitely expensive here but you can apply to the Cambridge community development middle income housing and see if you qualify for it. also biotech pays really well. you should be able to live comfortably. Cambridge is also a nice place if you don't want to be in the heart of the boston city life in crowds of people but still close to areas that are vibrant. there's plenty to do in the area w museums, food, culture, shopping etc. maybe worth a visit before you make your decision.
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1y ago
The moment my feet landed in this city in 1968, I knew I had found home. Central Square has been home since 1978. It has been magical living here all these years through so many different phases of my life. I can't imagine a better place to live as a young adult. My mom, uncle & aunt all moved here after they retired and the services that supported them were just amazing. And the support and nourishment our son received in this village that raised him can't be beat. I honestly can't imagine living anywhere else.
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1y ago
4200 for just rent, or for all living expenses? Depending on the neighborhood, I'd say you're typically looking at minimum 2500 rent for a cramped 2 bedroom, and like 3800 max for a spacious 2 br. There are probably some 2 beds over 3800.
I'd say Cambridge is among the most pedestrian friendly cities in America (PSA don't forget to vote next Tuesday to keep it that way!). It's very easy to bike, walk, or use public transit to get wherever you need. Busses are often delayed, so if you're relying on busses exclusively, good luck.
I personally pay 3300 for a 2 bed 2 bath in Harvard sq. Lovely neighborhood. I don't drive, and get everywhere just by bike, T, and foot without issue.
Enjoy the area! Cambridge is great.
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The Pros and Cons of Living in Cambridge MA!
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