Blacksburg, Virginia

Huckleberry Crossing

Looklyloo Score: 87

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What's it like to live in Blacksburg?

9mo ago

ISE 2015 Alumni
Sounds like it's a chance for you to experience something different! Isn't that why you signed up for the Master's in the first place? I came from a suburb/city area and now live in a country/suburb area. Wayyy better now that I'm used to it. Now my take is visit the city, live in the country. Try going in with a positive mindset and meet people. Could be fun.

9mo ago

Some pointers from a Hokie from the early 2010's:

get a fishing license, you may enjoy it! SWVA is a great place to learn to love the outdoors.

Jefferson National Forest and the Appalachian Trail are ten miles away. if you have transportation, its the easiest access to wilderness i've ever had.

Pay attention to virginia DWR fishing/hunting regulations and seasons via their GoOutdoors app, no need to carry around a physical card anymore - they made it much easier to engage in the outdoors. This will also help you avoid hiking in areas or zones during active seasons for safety and bonus points for hunting etiquette

Try clay shooting with the clay team. It's insanely addicting/satisfying to progress.

Plan a group trip to Snowshoe with Snowboard club or Ski.

Get into cycling with a cheap second hand beater from craigslist or Play it Again sports in Christiansburg and ride the Huckleberry Trail

9mo ago

While bburg is more “rural” location-wise, during the school year it feels more like a city because of the sheer amount of people that live here. I’ve lived all over, and honestly bburg is a great combo of city/rural. I’m not the biggest hiking person, but I do enjoy my daily walks around campus/ on the huckleberry trail for some sun and fresh air. I’d recommend joining Facebook groups of things going on in the area to get a feel for what all Blacksburg has to offer! Since you’ll only be here a year, just do some basic research and join some fb groups, etc, and you should be fine!

Where to live in Blacksburg VA