What's it like to live in Antioch?
It is a multi-cultural neighborhood that is a strong community of supporting the image of the town. Even though the community is not as economically wealthy as other towns it supports itself from the families that help support the town through education or community activities. Also, the town has been improving it's image as well as economy through the real estate that has made more affordable housing to new residents and creating a high demand of jobs for all workers.
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1y ago
I have family in Antioch. Also, my former boss and his family live there. I honestly don’t think it’s as bad as people make it out to be. A lot of Bay Area folks make constantly say that it is a rough and dangerous city. Most of them are from the South Bay…so it’s not really a fair comparison.
There are other cities in the bay that are way worse. Antioch definitely isnt as bad as Oakland, in my opinion.
There are also a lot of huge houses in Antioch. Many of them have basketball and tennis courts, pools, guest houses, etc. Also, a lot of residents have more land than those in other parts of the bay. It’s definitely more affordable and you could live quite comfortably in this city.
I haven’t heard of shootings or murders happening in that area.
Also, it’s very close to the East Bay…barely 20 minutes from what I recall. A lot of people who live in Antioch commute to the east bay for work regularly. I think because of its location, it is very easy to avoid typical Bay Area traffic.
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1y ago
I live in Antioch and was shocked at how nice it is since I also got the feedback people are giving on this thread. Go to Antioch anywhere in between Jame Donlon and the start of Brentwood (where the Target/ Barnes and Noble is on Lone Tree). From James Donlon on it’s mostly newer housing. It is really not bad at all. It’s just suburban. I have Contra Loma reservoir in my backyard and can walk around in the evening feeling safe. I moved here from Oakland, where I grew up, which I felt much less safe in.
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Living in Antioch
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